Saturday, November 8, 2008

Communist Party of China and Market Forces:

The best brains of the country and the bourgeoisie capitalism and technology should be made to work for the sake of benefit of entire community rather than to improve the luxury lifestyle of a fraction of the population. Political control over the economic forces will make this objective a possibility. When closely observed, it seems China is evolving such a polity and economy. The Communist Government in China makes the market forces to work for the betterment of its population through channels set by its policies. As the masses cannot manage the big affairs better and they cannot innovate technologies to improve their life, the elites should be made to work for them, with political control over elite by masses. In this model the economic sphere is essentially left to the market forces as the market does it better than state and political sphere is essentially controlled by people through Communist Party rather than leaving it to capitalist elite as is the case with representative democracy in which power is acquired by using money and muscle power. This Chinese model may evolve as a solution for the crisis of Capitalism.

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