This is a commentary on the film of Schindler’s List directed by Steven Spielberg on the theme of a German businessman with Nazi links helping a group of Jews during holocaust by bribing the Nazi establishment with the objective of improving the profitability of his business and in course of time moved by the qualities that define the human beings.
In these trying situations we find the line of right and wrong being crossed often and immoral qualities like bribing and extreme profiteering turns out to be the best things to do.
The film shows how a bribe could be the most righteous thing to do in the circumstances prevailing during Nazi rule. Schindler was able to save 800 lives because he was able to bribe the Nazi Bureaucracy. At times bribe is good for the humanity.
It shows capitalism is better than a totalitarian regime of any sort. Liberty and Democracy should be the guiding star for the humanity rather than any ideology implemented through totalitarian regime be it socialism or a theocracy.
I will conclude Schindler as the Jesus Christ for the Jews he saved. Though initially his motive was to profit from the slave labor of Jews he slowly changes his mind and learns to pardon and learns to save lives. At the end of day he is running his business in loss. Yet he achieves his goal to be extraordinary and one who did that no one dared to do. Yes, what he has done is more worth than in case if he had steered his business into profit a two trunk ship full of money. Finally he feels if had not rode on car and wasted his money on party he would have saved more lives of the Jews.
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